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Screenshot of Magic Notes

Screen shot of Magic Notes, running in Windows NT 4.0 as a taskbar icon. Screenshot

Open internet URLs

Open URL Open URLs like WEB pages or email addresses automatically by just selecting the address and right clicking.

Easy to use

Magic Notes comes with an easy to use toolbar interface which can be moved around the desktop for easy access to other programs. A taskbar interface is also provided.

The toolbar

Taskbar iconMovable toolbar with tooltips for easy access. Allows quick and easy access to create new notes, preferences and save and help.

The taskbar icon

Single left click on the taskbar will create a new note or right click on the icon for the menu.

Customize your window

Font note Select any font available on your system or alignment like left aligned, right alignment or centered text. Pick a color for your notes from a selection of colors or create your own custom color. The text in the window will automatically reformat itself to the size of the window and the font and format style you have selected.

Minimizing Notes

Minimized note Your notes can be minimized to save you desk space in a minimized state where only the first line of the notes is displayed.

Alarm clock

Magic Notes can also be used as an all purpose alarm clock. You can set an alarm for each of your notes, hide them and then make them reappear when the alarm goes off. Alarms can be set in a variety of ways including a useful repeat function for reoccurring alarms.